Saturday, May 11, 2013

Society Saturday - Descendants of Early Quakers

On Friday afternoon of Lineage Week, the National Society Descendants of Early Quakers has their annual tea.  This is a group of men and women who can trace their ancestry to a member of the Society of Friends (Quakers) prior to 1835. 

Although the organization has no official ties with the Quaker religion, they do try to reflect some of its terminology and practices.  For example, they do not make motions or vote, but instead, "Agree in Unity".  The Officer titles are unique as well.  For example, there is a Presiding Clerk, a Recording Clerk, and a Keeper of the Common Fund.

The Presiding Clerk was Marlene Wilkinson.  She led the meeting through the reports of officers, an election, and a decision to make a charitable donation to Earlham College in Indiana (a Quaker school).

The program was given by Rick Hollis on "Cultivating Simplicity" and was very informative .

After the program, the officers for 2013-15 were installed by Past Presiding Clerk Carole Belcher.  The new National Presiding Clerk is David Stringfellow.

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