Saturday, March 15, 2014

Society Saturday - War Dogs Making it Home

The Illinois State Society of Children of American Revolution had their annual State Conference last weekend.

State President Callah Moree' McLeod did a wonderful job calling for reports, nominations, votes, and in general, running the 2 day meeting.  Twelve of the local societies in the state were represented and there were nearly 100 people in attendance.

Callah presiding at the State Banquet
C.A.R. is open to anyone, boy or girl, aged birth through 21 years who can prove descent from a Revolutionary War patriot.  It is a national organization with nearly 10,000 members.  The members learn patriotism, history and parliamentary procedure.  They hold offices and chairmanships.  Each member position has a corresponding Senior Leader position (22 and over).  The Seniors help guide the members.  Illinois is honored to be the home of the National President Caitlin Collins, who was in attendance, along with several other national officers.

Pierce Downer Society receives their Awards
Every year, the I.S.C.A.R. State President chooses a project to raise money toward.  Callah chose the group War Dogs Making it Home.  This is an orgaization that pairs Veterans with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and rescue dogs.  The vets participate in the dogs' training to become service dogs.  The dogs, in term, help the vets cope with their PTSD, and in some of the more severely affected, they even help the vets leave their homes and interact in the world again.

Callah sold lapel pins in the shape of dog tags with her logo and collected donations.  She was able to donate over $6000 to this worthy cause - enough to train more than 2 dogs.

Gary and Eva receiving the check from State President Callah McLeod and Senior State President Robert Collins
It was very special to see her present the check to Eva Braverman from the organization.  Eva was accompanied by Gary, one of the veterans.

National Officers from Illinois - National Corresponding Secretary Amanda Nagy, State President Callah McLeod, and National President Caitlin Collins.  They are standing in front of an awesome dog house custom made for the banquet by Mike McLeod.

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