Saturday, December 05, 2015

Society Saturday - DAR Days

The Illinois DAR tried a different approach this year.  Instead of making 4 one-day stops around the state, DAR days was split into 2 two-day weekends - one in central Illinois, the other in southern Illinois.  Instead of the usual parade of chairmen with their 2 minutes or less presentations, there were several workshops of various interest to different officers - there was something for Regents, Registrars, Treasurers, and Secretaries, to name a few.

Our State Regent's theme is "Be Yourself, Be Together, Be DAR" and her symbol is the bee.  Some of the chairmen took this to the extreme. 

At night we had a presentation on Grave Witching.  It was interesting, but I'm not sure I have any unmarked graves to find.

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