Saturday, August 03, 2013

Society Saturday - 122nd DAR Continental Congress

The annual Daughters of the American Revolution meeting begins with Opening Night.  I had a unique perspective because I was seated on the platform as a presiding officer of another lineage organization. 

The evening begins with a concert by the President's Own Marine Band.  They, of course, play Sousa marches and other patriotic tunes.

After all the flags of all the states, and foreign countries where DAR has a chapter are carried in, the National Officers process in.  This is followed by a dramatic unfurling of a large American Flag from the ceiling.


The next day, I was at the Units Overseas Luncheon.  I was representing my daughter's chapter in Guam - the Mariana Islands chapter.  Because they are over 8000 miles away, it is difficult for any of them to attend, so I read their report and sold some items as fundraisers for them.

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